
June 25, 2024

Turning Inventory and Sales Data into Forecasts and Actionable Insights

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Locate Inventory


Sell On Backorder
Create Purchase Orders
Out of Stock


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Unlimited Orders
Unlimited SKUs
Sell On Backorder
Email Support
Migration From Other Tools


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Everything in Previous Plan
Dedicated CSM

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What is Cogsy?

When it comes to dependable eCommerce growth, the devil’s in the data. Cogsy helps merchants to predict and plan their inventory requirements and stock flow via a powerful proprietary algorithm and clear financial reporting. This helps establish a solid foundation for operations, with analytics and insights for helping users invest their capital in the most efficient manner.

Cogsy unlocks actionable insights around SKUs (and especially overstocked SKUs) by pulling in historical sales data and connecting it with inventory data (including transit data) to enable a better understanding of your products’ popularity and performance, ranking products from A-high, to C-low (across nine different rankings).

The app alerts merchants to the products that are in need of replenishment and generates a recommended Purchase Order (PO) to buy the product. Cogsy can also draw attention to overstocked SKUs, helping merchants decide on the best course of action to get the stock cleared and off warehouse shelving that’s costing them money – from flash sales through to product bundles.

Cogsy also allows merchants to monitor products that are getting close to needing replenishment, so that they can get a snapshot of what they might need to do in the near future with regard to their supply chain. Purchase orders are then sent through merchants’ inventory management solutions to the vendor as per their existing process/system. Or if no existing system or integration exists, they can easily export as a CSV and send over manually, via an email for example.

Merchants can also use Cogsy to learn when products are on backorder and predict their out of stock time and days left to reorder. They can set lead time on various products and vendors in order to better predict how long it actually takes product to get from the vendor to their own shelves or warehousing.

Products tagged as backordered will carry the predicted date of the product being ready to ship (merchants can set an average processing buffer time that reflects that time from when the product arrives to when it is ready to ship, or set this by vendor). This means that a storefront can showcase the estimated shipping date for any backordered products – with Cogsy helping manage customer expectations and sell stock ahead of it being in stock.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What makes Cogsy different than competitors?

Cogsy is not a full-fledged inventory management platform, but instead a predictive and insightful tool, for Heads Of Operations to better understand, predict and prepare their inventory for varying demand and needs. Cogsy essentially functions as an inventory crystal ball – helping merchants keep shelves stocked with the right products at all times.

What metrics is Cogsy going to improve for my Ecommerce store?

Cogsy is all about lowering out of stock time and keeping inventories optimized. This will lead to happier customers, lower costs of inventory at the warehouse and ultimately higher profit margins and revenue, with a healthier cash flow.

Cogsy will also save a Head Of Operations or Head Of Merchandising a lot of time by easily compiling the data into clearly communicated insights. It’s likely to eliminate multiple spreadsheets merchants might currently be juggling, rerouting product tracking data through one streamlined and centralized platform. An added bonus – you’ll also get those Purchase Orders out the door faster.

Who has to manage Cogsy and how long does it take to setup?

Typically the person managing the tool, on a near daily basis, will be the Head Of Operations or Head Of Merchandising, the Chief Operating Officer, C-suite, or whoever is managing all your vendor relationships and supply chain.

To get started, users install Cogsy’s Shopify app and then integrate with any other data source they may need (like a SKUbana or whichever inventory management solution is currently in use). Again, it's important to remember that Cogsy does not replace a full-fledged inventory management solution. Users will likely be set up and moving on their own within a week, possibly sooner for more simpler stores.

Is Cogsy right for my store?

This is a tool for a merchant managing multiple vendors and dozens, hundreds or even thousands of SKUs. Cogsy could also be of use to growing merchants that don’t have a dedicated person allocated to merchandising or supply chain.

Cogsy will typically only represent an attractive option for merchants already using the systems (such as inventory management and eCommerce platform) that they easily integrate with. It’s a less appealing prospect for drop-shippers and manufacturers.

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