
August 14, 2024

A tool dedicated to your "shipping" page at checkout, helping your customers determine when their package will actually arrive.

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DHL Express


Smart Delivery Estimate
A/B Testing
Dimensional Wt BoxPacking Algorithm
MainText & SubText Configurator
Poor-Conversion Alerts


This is some text inside of a div block.
Smart Delivery Estimate
A/B Testing
Dimensional Wt BoxPacking Algorithm


This is some text inside of a div block.
Everything in Previous Plan
MainText & SubText Configurator
Future-Date Tests of Scheduled Rules
Poor-Conversion Alerts

This is some text inside of a div block.

All about

What is Decimal?

Decimal is completely dedicated to your “shipping” page at checkout. Their tool helps established merchants reduce shipping costs and increase margins on shipping, while helping their customers understand that nagging question, “When will I actually get this product?”

Their software tracks where the product is located (which warehouse), then calculates which shipping location will be the cheapest to ship from (or the most economical way to split the order, if needed), all designed to present to the customer the lowest shipping costs at checkout.

They have functionality to create rules for managing multiple warehouses and unique conditions where you may need to prioritize shipping from one warehouse over another, as well as other conditions, such as free shipping, discounted shipping, shipping to or from certain states or regions, separate rules for Domestic and International shipping, requiring a signature or not, and dozens of other custom configurations that any brand may need.

They have built in A/B testing functionality so that you can begin to understand how to maximize profit based on shipping costs, delivery dates, and even the wording of the shipping options (“Order by,” “Get by,” “Receive by,” etc.). Once the test has achieved statistical significance, you can have the system automatically move to the optimal option based on your own choice of optimizing for conversion rate, total sales revenue, or neither if you want to make the decision yourself.

You can build in margin to your shipping costs, as you see fit and create shipping promotions with timed start and stop dates.

And, super importantly, they have an embedded address validator tool to correct typos in any addresses, ensuring packages are shipped to the correct location the first time (saving the time, aggravation and money associated with reshipping incorrectly labeled products).

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

  • List

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What makes Decimal different than competitors?

You can manage their app on desktop or mobile (most other tools are likely desktop only).

Not many tools allow you to split test your shipping options. Not only do they allow that, they allow you to split test the verbiage of those shipping options.

What metrics is Decimal going to improve for my Ecommerce store?

Decimal helps to reduce shipping costs, increase margins on shipping, increase conversion rate, and increase average order value. Not to mention the unmeasured operational and logistical savings associated with a tool that answers the question of “when will this package arrive?”

Who has to manage Decimal and how long does it take to setup?

Typically it is the head of eCommerce that is eager to set up and manage this tool, or it can be whoever is in charge of increasing profitability, such as a COO or operations manager.

You can get set up very quickly by simply integrating all of your shipping providers and your 3PL inventory and product feeds. You can easily test their system on a dev or test store before going live. Once you’ve verified that the tool is performing as expected, you simply enable it for your store and you are off and running.

Once set up, you don’t absolutely have to go back to the tool to manage it, but most merchants do make adjustments to processing times, run more split tests for optimizing for conversion rate or sales, or to set up shipping promotions around campaigns or events.

Is Decimal right for my store?

This tool is most specifically for Shopify Plus and other larger merchants doing at least $2mm+ in annual revenue. Shopify merchants on Advanced or under can use the tool, but it is not as beneficial.

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