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What is {listing}?
EnquireLabs is an attribution survey tool designed to improve attribution by seeking information from your most powerful source - your customers. By asking a single question post-purchase, "how did you hear about us?" EnquireLabs sheds light on sales sources that may not be trackable through pixels. You can analyze the survey results against your order and click data to better understand the return on your ad spend.
When creating your survey, all you have to do is fill in the answers to the question "how did you hear about us?" for your customers to select from. You can also include "other" allowing them to type in alternative options. The response choices are randomized to prevent any bias, and then you launch your survey.
What is amazing about a tool like this is how simple it is. Marketing tracking today has become so complex and involved that companies forget the obvious - just asking someone how they heard about you. Now, survey attribution has its flaws, but the information it provides is still incredibly valuable.
Say you aren't really tracking or rewarding customer referrals, yet when surveying customers they say they heard about you from a friend? Or if you think that a lot of traffic is coming from your radio advertisements, yet the survey data suggests that it is coming from a podcast. This information may lead you to make different decisions about where you allocate your time and money.
What makes {listing} different than competitors?
This tool focuses on being really great at one thing. The simplicity of asking customers a single question provides useful data on where to focus your marketing efforts, keeping you from getting lost in vanity metrics.
What metrics is {listing} going to improve for my eCommerce store?
Embedding a post-purchase survey on your order confirmation page leads to completion rates upwards of 60%. That information can have a substantial impact on your advertising decisions, leading to better returns on your ad spend and overall improvements in your revenue metrics.
Who has to manage {listing} and how long does it take to setup?
Setup is done in minutes. The tool is automatically styled to fit within your existing theme design and all you have to do is connect the app and create your post-purchase survey. You can check in on survey results any time through your dashboard without having to pull any kind of special report. The information is right there for you when you open the app, so you don't need any kind of special time or resources to use this tool.
Is {listing} right for my store?
Everyone should be using survey attribution with their customers. The fact is that pixel tracking can only take you so far and combining that data with information "straight out of the horse's mouth" will provide actionable insights into what's working and what isn't.
Again, everyone should be using survey attribution in their marketing. Even if you only sell one way, you will generate revenue from sources you are unaware of and survey data can help keep you apprised of that.
Sustainability status
- Unlimited Responses
{listing} Pricing
• Unlimited Responses
• Google Analytics Integration
• Klaviyo Integration 2
• Recharge Integration
• Unlimited Responses
We do our best to keep pricing information up to date, but please do check the software partner's own website for the most up to date pricing information.