Koala Inspector
Dec 20, 2024
Product & Price Management

Koala Inspector

A Chrome extension for merchants looking to (politely) “spy” on their competitors' Shopify stores.

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What is {listing}?

Koala Inspector is a Chrome extension for merchants looking to (politely) "spy" on their competitors Shopify stores. You install the tool, sign up, go to a competitor site or perhaps a site in your industry that you aspire to be like, and you can get a whole bunch of detailed information on what they are doing, selling, what theme they use, how much their products are, estimated traffic numbers, Google, Facebook, and Instagram ad campaigns, Shopify apps, and you can even see what other Shopify merchants are selling the same products as "this" store.

You can track each shop and get updates on changes of that shop over time to understand what products your customers are adding or removing, pricing changes, variant changes, theme changes, etc.

For non-Shopify stores you don't get the same amount of data, but you can get web traffic and ad campaign data.

Koala Inspector is a Chrome extension for merchants looking to (politely) "spy" on their competitors Shopify stores. You install the tool, sign up, go to a competitor site or perhaps a site in your industry that you aspire to be like, and you can get a whole bunch of detailed information on what they are doing, selling, what theme they use, how much their products are, estimated traffic numbers, Google, Facebook, and Instagram ad campaigns, Shopify apps, and you can even see what other Shopify merchants are selling the same products as "this" store.

What makes {listing} different than competitors?

Koala Inspector is built to help empower entrepreneurs and give them ideas on what is working and what is not in eCommerce... To help them find new product opportunities, understand competitive landscapes, do product and market research, and ultimately make crucial business decisions.

Other competitive intelligence solutions may be more focused on only pricing or only on the data from all stores to be used in aggregate.

Koala Inspector only shows you the data, you have to figure out what to do with that information.

What metrics is {listing} going to improve for my eCommerce store?

Competitive intelligence can help shape your business in many ways. Koala Inspector is going to increase your chance of success when launching a new product because it helps you understand the positioning, pricing, and strategy of your competitors. Which also means Koala Inspector will help you with your pricing, and creating your ad campaigns, among other things.

Who has to manage {listing} and how long does it take to setup?

On the eCommerce side, typically it's the founder, CEO, head of marketing, or head of eCommerce using the tool to analyze competitors, often on a weekly basis, if not daily. It only takes less than 30 minutes to setup and you'll be able to check in for regular reports on your competitors, and browse through their site, products, ads, and traffic to get enriched details and make decisions off of that information.

On the Commerce Enablement provider side, typically a Sales Development Rep (SDR), Demand Generation specialist, or someone in marketing or sales would use this tool for outreaching merchants that fit their specific profile.

Is {listing} right for my store?

80% of Koala Inspector users are new merchants looking to track and analyze competitors. 20% are Commerce Enablement providers looking to understand merchant profiles for marketing and sales purposes.

This is great for you if you see an industry category or group of competitors and want to understand what's working for them and what's not. Koala Inspector can also be great for choosing which products or product categories have the best opportunity for you to launch on your store.

This tool isn't so helpful if you sell a completely unique or patented product that doesn't have many competitors or direct substitutes. In those cases you simply may not need to study and adjust to a specific competitive landscape.

Sustainability status


{listing} Pricing


• Product Statistics

• Shop Structure

• View Newest Products

• View Best Sellers

• 10 Export CSV Credits

• 10 Find Retailers Credits

• 20 Site Traffic Credits

• 20 Ad Campaigns

• 3 Shop Tracking


  • Everything in Previous Plan
  • Unlimited Export CSV Credits
  • Unlimited Find Retailers Credits
  • Unlimited Site Traffic Credits
  • Unlimited Ad Campaigns
  • 50 Shop Tracking

We do our best to keep pricing information up to date, but please do check the software partner's own website for the most up to date pricing information.

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