
September 16, 2024

Amazon Inventory Accountability Auditing for both Seller Central and Vendor Central. Get $$$ in Unclaimed Amazon Reimbursements

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Seller Central Auditing
Vendor Central Auditing
Amazon Inventory Auditing
Quarterly Audit Follow Up Report
Manual Claim Submission to Amazon
Amazon Terms of Service (TOS) Compliant

Amazon Sellers

This is some text inside of a div block.
Fee is 30% of cash reimbursements received
No service fee
No audit fee
No risk
Cancel anytime

This is some text inside of a div block.

This is some text inside of a div block.

All about

What is RefundSniper?

RefundSniper does exactly one thing: Amazon Inventory Accountability Auditing. For both Seller Central and Vendor Central. 

Put in more simple terms, there are dozens of things that can and do go wrong in Seller Central and Vendor Central… Things where Amazon is going to owe you some money back. It’s just some of those loose ends that occur when you’re doing lots of orders a month.

RefundSniper Audits your inventory and accounts. This is way more than the “missing from inbound” and reconciliation button that you may hit every few months. It’s an extensive process of literally checking every order, shipment invoice, etc.

From there they manually submit reconciliations with Amazon, which result in either cash for you, or inventory. If it’s cash, RefundSniper takes a percentage of the earnings.

It’s always 0 risk for the merchant - if they don’t make you any money, they don’t get any money. There are no monthly fees and you can cancel any time. And they are completely Amazon Terms of Service Compliant.

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Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What makes RefundSniper different than competitors?

You have two alternative options: 

  1. Ignore the problem and leave big money on the table, or 
  2. Try to do it yourself, which will likely be inefficient and ineffective due to the complexity of the problem and your lack of scaling out the processes that RefundSniper already has in place. More than likely you will pay more to the employees than the fees that RefundSniper would charge you.

The claims process is extremely tedious and manual, I highly recommend leaving it in the hands of the experts.

The fee for their service starts at 30% of refunds recovered by their team and paid by Amazon in cash. They will not take any percentage of inventory reimbursements. There is no service fee. No audit fee. The merchant has 0 risk as they only take a percentage of what they earn for you. And there is no lock in, cancel any time.

What metrics is RefundSniper going to improve for my Ecommerce store?

Because they are reclaiming money you otherwise may have overlooked, they are drastically helping you with your overall profitability, which is always a pain point for merchants selling on Amazon. Metrics you want to keep an eye on are:

  • Cash Reimbursements received by Amazon
  • Inventory Reimbursements received by Amazon

And in reviewing your quarterly audits from RefundSniper, it may be possible to find things like manufacturing errors or other common issues like shipping errors that are leading to unaccounted inventory issues, and then you can resolve those issues and mitigate some reimbursements.

Who has to manage RefundSniper and how long does it take to setup?

You would have your operations manager, eCommerce manager, CFO, or financial manager, or the CEO if you’re running Amazon sales yourself. There is a simple onboarding process which is really just a couple of emails back and forth and setting up the appropriate access. Once they complete their audit, they file the manual reimbursement requests and once approved, Amazon pays you, and RefundSniper will issue their invoice fee according to the cash reimbursements you receive as well as a comprehensive report of the entire audit results.

Is RefundSniper right for my store?

If you’re selling on Amazon, really at any volume, you will want a partner like RefundSniper to do an audit of your account and see if there is some money to be had. Typically they will do quarterly audits (and they re-audit back 18 months each time), but they can do monthly for higher volume merchants.

Obviously if you aren’t selling on Amazon, you don’t need RefundSniper. Extremely small volume merchants may not benefit greatly from their service, but at some point, as you grow, you will want to engage them.

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