August 19, 2024

Providing leading size recommendation and sizing services, increasing customer satisfaction and conversion, and decreasing returns.

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Grade Rule Optimization
Inventory Size Run Forecasting
Body Shape Campaign Tracking
Reviews Contextualized with Body Shapes
Population Access
Audience Filtering and Analysis
Fit Coverage Baselining
3D Body Model Generation

This is some text inside of a div block.

This is some text inside of a div block.

This is some text inside of a div block.

All about

What is WAIR?

Wair provides intelligent sizing recommendations to eCommerce apparel customers, increasing consumer confidence in their ability to select the appropriate size. This increases conversion rate, lowers return rates and provides an overall very positive customer experience.

Wair’s “Find My Fit” widget is easily added to a merchant’s eCommerce site, primarily on all relevant product pages (i.e. those where a variety of sizes can be selected from.) Users choosing to receive a recommendation enter 3 data points: age, height, and weight. From there they will ask 3 to 5 more personal questions about size, and using a seriously powerful AI algorithm (which takes from data of over 2.5 million scans of human bodies) as well as IP address/regional data (yes, they are using your location to assume how your body is shaped!) the user is provided with their “perfect fit” size for each product on your site.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What makes WAIR different than competitors?

Wair never asks for measurements, they never ask for preferences and they never ask for other products the consumer likes (or the sizes they buy of those products.) They’ve found that asking these questions leads to a negative customer experience.

Other providers may ask for a photo (often you have to strip down to take it), which unsurprisingly turns out to be quite the barrier to entry!

Most importantly, Wair is a subsidiary of Fit3D, which is where a lot of their algorithm secret sauce comes from – built upon the data obtained by scanning 2.5 million human bodies, taking over 400 measurements from each person and having a large engineering team to really solve the perpetually tricky problem of finding a great fit while online shopping in a revolutionary way.

What metrics is WAIR going to improve for my Ecommerce store?

Wair massively increases conversion rate – on average, by 28%.

Consumers that engage with the sizing widget have 300% more likelihood of converting. New shoppers will convert at 800% - 1200% higher than those that don’t use the Wair widget. When it comes to cost efficiency, Wair expects you to make about 40x ROI.

Wair is able to give you a really unique metric – follow us on this! Merchandisers (and the tools they use) are often able to predict sales based on past sales and then buy inventory appropriately. Wair can help you understand what sales you missed, because you didn’t have the right size, which helps you predict what you actually should have bought, not “how what you bought performed.” This has huge potential for proper supply chain management, which leads to better cash flow, better margins, and less inventory sitting idly on shelves.

Merchants get insights on product sales by size. This helps shed light upon sampling rate - the rate at which customers are buying a product in two or more sizes - which almost always leads to a return!) By eliminating the need to buy multiple sizes with the intention of keeping only the best fit, Wair always lowers your sampling rate (often to practically 0%).

Who has to manage WAIR and how long does it take to setup?

Typically it’s the VP, Head of eCommerce or Marketing that will be the most interested in implementing this solution. Set up will take anything from one day to a week, depending on your SKU count and access to one hour of developer time.

Most merchants will want to bring in a developer for installation (although you can do this yourself if you even have a basic understanding of installing tags onto your site), which involves adding scripts into your site/theme. These include a tracking code, the widget itself (which goes onto your product page Liquid template) and then the conversion tracking pixel, so that they can prove their results.

Next, merchants need to align their products with the right fits, which is easily accomplished by your internal team, essentially by taking the same quiz as an end user would, and selecting the best fit size based on those dimensions. Merchants can even get past customers involved by asking them how their purchases fitted, and if they are happy to share their sizing information. This trains the algorithm based on their body shapes and what size they preferred. It only takes three to five survey responses to get a good fit understanding by product category.

Is WAIR right for my store?

If you’re not working with the apparel or accessories verticals (or as Wair phrases it “selling a product made to fit the human body”) chances are you’ll not have read this far! This solution is obviously for fashion brands.

Wair has worked with brands both small and large, but usually they're working with brands doing over $1M revenue who have direct access to their sizing information for all of their fashion products.

So, if you control your own manufacturing and design, this is great for you. Most of their brands are doing closer to the $50 - $100M mark and beyond. The more SKUs you have, the more valuable a solution Wair might prove to be, but even with 1 SKU and multiple sizes, merchants can still make use of their solution and benefit.

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