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eCommerce MasterPlan Virtual Summit 2022 - the Marketing Edition

Apr 26, 2022 6:15 AM
Hosted by:
eCommerce MasterPlan

It's time to get focused on the marketing you need this year

2022 is a weird year, full of challenges - the cookies are continuing to die, inflation is destroying our customers' cash reserves, and online competition is higher than it's ever been before.

But your brand can still thrive - if you adapt your marketing to this new environment.

We've distilled this event to the 10 tactics, strategies, and tips you need to drive great performance in 2022.

To help you identify the sessions that will help you the most we've split our event into 2 categories:

1, Customer Acquisition

We're covering FIVE  key Customer Acquisition tactics, from Facebook Ads, to Email, to Quizzes and more.

2. Customer Retention

On day 2 we flip things around to look at FIVE Customer Retention tactics, including Email, Personalisation, Customer Service and (you guessed it!) more.

We've challenged each speaker to drill their presentation down to the ONE tactic/strategy that will make the biggest impact on your business this year.

No filler, no waffle, just great advice delivered fast.

PLUS, each category is rounded off with a Panel Q&A Session featuring several of our speakers giving more insight into eCommerce Marketing.

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