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Episode 8: The Future of On-Site Search for Ecommerce

We are now officially in the era of first party data. What are your customers looking for and what are they finding on your site?

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About the podcast

Exploring every aspect of Ecommerce and how it is likely to change over the next 1, 3, and 10 years. Each episode explores one topic so that we can go deep, bring in industry experts, academics, and brands, and get their opinion on the future. Then we make our predictions. This podcast is perfect for Ecommerce executives looking to stay on top of their industry.

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Chief Ecommerce Technologist

Derric Haynie is the host of “The Future of Ecommerce” podcast and Chief Ecommerce Technologist at – Where Ecommerce stores go to research, discover, and buy the right tools to grow their store. Half of his day is spent reviewing tech tools, and the other half is talking with merchants to help them discover which solutions are right for them. When he’s not doing that, you can find him speaking, networking, or grabbing a drink at any of your favorite Ecommerce events. Read more

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1,498+ listeners

Preparing for The Future

Sometimes you are so busy running your business you aren't thinking about how to grow it, how to stay relevant, and how changes in your market, and with technology, will impact your bottom line.

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Patrick Campbell
Chloe Thomas
Neal Schaffer
Mary Kathryn Johnson
Rytis Lauris
Mia Bernad