Keep Optimising Marketing Podcast
The Keep Optimising Podcast is all about helping eCommerce brands improve their marketing.
Every 5 episodes they switch the focus to a different marketing method, so you can dive deep for 5 episodes learning from the best experts we can find.
Either setting you up for a productive chat with your agency, or giving you the knowledge to run it better in house.

If you’re looking for ways to improve your marketing results, get more traffic, and convert more customers – you should be listening to Keep Optimising.
Every Wednesday our host Chloë Thomas (best-selling author of ‘eCommerce Marketing: How to Get Traffic that BUYS to Your Website) interviews an eCommerce marketing expert to bring you the latest and best advice on how to optimise that marketing channel.
One of the most important things to do when improving your marketing is to focus. If you’re constantly jumping from one marketing method to the next it’s going to take you forever to make each work for you. To help you focus we’re not jumping from one marketing method to the next either.
That's why we zero in on one marketing method for 5 episodes at a time, giving you a different way to improve it in each episode.
Find out more on the Keep Optimising Marketing Podcast website