A hiring platform that provides access to pre-vetted freelancers, helping you to get your work done faster.
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What is {listing}?
FreeUp is a hiring platform that provides access to pre-vetted freelancers, helping you to get your work done faster. They recruit, interview, and vet thousands of freelancers each week for their skills, communication, and attitude and only let in the top 1% of applicants - getting you the best of the best from the start.
Given that they only accept 1% of applicants on their platform, FreeUp has a lot of individuals they turn away. However, they encourage applicants to come back once they've gotten more experience and can re-apply to the platform after 3 months. The exclusivity helps them attain the cream of the crop.
FreeUp only utilizes experts who are serious about their freelancing - people who have run a freelancing business full time or who have worked as a freelancer within their skill set for a number of years. These individuals have a reliable track record, reducing the chance of them not being able to fulfill your needs.
What makes {listing} different than competitors?
Their No Turnover Guarantee is a huge differentiator for this company. If you hire a freelancer through FreeUp and that individual leaves or becomes unavailable (say they accept a full time job), they will replace that individual within as little as 24 hours and cover any replacement costs you may incur.
They also allow you to pause a freelancer (keeping them from billing you any further), set limits on how many hours a freelancer can work and send bonuses to the individuals who have really "wowed" you.
What metrics is {listing} going to improve for my eCommerce store?
Hiring the wrong person not only hurts you financially, but it is incredibly mentally draining.
FreeUp will save you an insane amount of time sourcing freelancers and reduce the time you spend replacing individuals who aren't right for your store. This helps you to get projects done faster which ultimately can make you more.
Who has to manage {listing} and how long does it take to setup?
You can register to be a part of FreeUp in less than 5 minutes and get your first request submitted in 15 minutes. Think of how you would create a job listing - who are you looking for, what do they need to do, how much will you pay, etc. You will then be introduced to your pool of freelancers via email and decide who you want to hire.
Whoever usually does your hiring, or any member of your team who will be managing this project/individual can use FreeUp.
Is {listing} right for my store?
If you outsource any work for your business, you can benefit from a tool like FreeUp.
If you don't utilize freelancers, you wouldn't use this type of platform.
Sustainability status
- Accounting And Finance
- Amazon
- Business Operations
- Content Creation
- Ecommerce
- Marketing Sales
- Web Design
- Web Mobile Software Development
{listing} Pricing
$5 To $10 Per Hour
• Entry Level Freelancers Are Perfect For Businesses That Already Have Systems And Processes In Place
$10 To $30 Per Hour
- Mid-level freelancers are specialists that can take projects off your plate with their own processes
$30 To $75+ Per Hour
• Expert Level Freelancers Are Consultants And Strategists Helping You To Organize And Expand
We do our best to keep pricing information up to date, but please do check the software partner's own website for the most up to date pricing information.