

A platform for hiring vetted freelancers specifically for Shopify merchants.

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What is {listing}?

Storetasker is a platform designed to help you hire expert Shopify freelancers. They cultivate experts through a process very similar to hiring an employee, looking for certain characteristics and abilities that will provide the expert level experience and care their customers deserve. They also are specific to Shopify, so all of their experts are experts within their fields on Shopify.

Hiring freelancers takes a lot of time and effort, and even when you do everything "right"you could still end up hiring someone who isn't quite up to the task or who you struggle to work with. Storetasker helps merchants avoid having to learn the hard way by pre-vetting experts from around the world. They offer up their services to you for a flat hourly rate and provide you the tools to communicate effectively with whomever you hire to get the job done right.

Storetasker is a platform designed to help you hire expert Shopify freelancers. They cultivate experts through a process very similar to hiring an employee, looking for certain characteristics and abilities that will provide the expert level experience and care their customers deserve. They also are specific to Shopify, so all of their experts are experts within their fields on Shopify.

Hiring freelancers takes a lot of time and effort, and even when you do everything "right"you could still end up hiring someone who isn't quite up to the task or who you struggle to work with. Storetasker helps merchants avoid having to learn the hard way by pre-vetting experts from around the world. They offer up their services to you for a flat hourly rate and provide you the tools to communicate effectively with whomever you hire to get the job done right.

What makes {listing} different than competitors?

Storetasker provides access to high quality freelancers that are pre-vetted and "scored" regularly. Experts are held to quality benchmarks to ensure they are performing at optimum levels and operate within a competitive environment that keeps everyone at the top of their game.

What metrics is {listing} going to improve for my eCommerce store?

Storetasker provides access to high quality freelancers that are pre-vetted and "scored" regularly. Experts are held to quality benchmarks to ensure they are performing at optimum levels and operate within a competitive environment that keeps everyone at the top of their game.

Who has to manage {listing} and how long does it take to setup?

Anyone can use/manage Storetasker, so it really depends on who needs the project done and will best be able to communicate the task effectively.

Just create an account, request a new project within a certain category, add a title and project description and submit! Your project will then go out to all the qualified experts in that field, whoever is available will claim the project and send you their estimated hours/time for completion. You then can accept their proposal or send it back to the pool of experts.

Is {listing} right for my store?

Storetasker is right for any Shopify merchant that is looking to hire freelancers. Their pricing is up front, consistent and (in my opinion) downright cheap for what you are getting.

If you don't have a need for freelancers, are looking to hire a full time person or need larger scale help (like from an Agency), you won't get as much from this tool.

Sustainability status


  • Free Quotes
  • Free Account
  • In App Communication
  • In App Payment Processing

{listing} Pricing

Starting At $75/hour

We do our best to keep pricing information up to date, but please do check the software partner's own website for the most up to date pricing information.

{listing} Alternatives

FreeUp Square 300x300.png

A hiring platform that provides access to pre-vetted freelancers, helping you to get your work done faster.

Find out more