
August 29, 2024

An “end-to-end” warehouse management system with automation and mobile capacity, optimizing warehouse operations and efficiencies.



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Inventory Management
Warehouse Management
Inventory Forecasting
Order Fulfillment
Visual Warehouse Builder
Purchase Orders
Order Management

Flat Fee of $10/month

With Scaled Pricing as Your Grow
This is some text inside of a div block.

This is some text inside of a div block.

This is some text inside of a div block.

All about

What is SKUSavvy?

SKUSavvy is a tool for helping warehouse owners (and brands operating out of their own warehouse) manage all of their operations, to optimize their warehouse operations and drive deeper efficiency from their logistics and fulfillment teams.

Product data is updated in real-time to allow for seamless and accurate updates as many team members start picking and packing multiple orders simultaneously. Pick and pack strategy is further enhanced by smart order batching recommendations, and 25 built-in carrier integrations. The more orders you have open, the better their system will be able to batch and the more streamlined your fulfillment process will be.

SKUSavvy allows you to assemble a kit but doesn't have a pure “Build of Material” functionality for anyone building a product in their warehouse and needing specific units of measure, granular cost tracking across Build of Materials (BOMs).

The system is fully mobile, meaning management from multiple locations is a breeze, and all members of your team can get full use and benefits. On the backend, the platform uses ShipEngine and Shippo to calculate shipping rates and purchase labels. One particularly strong feature is their barcode scanning system – this alone has huge potential to speed up operations and get those orders fulfilled in record time.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What makes SKUSavvy different than competitors?

SKUSavvy takes a visual approach to their warehouse management, giving you the opportunity to build your warehouse layout within their tool and helping you to understand exactly where each employee needs to go to fulfill batch orders with the most efficiency. It’s an intuitive set up that “just makes sense” – easy to build out and interpret. 

What metrics is SKUSavvy going to improve for my Ecommerce store?

Warehouse efficiency means shipments are sent out faster, with reduced labor costs, less shrinkage and overall true “streamlining” of your logistics. Quicker shipping and more accurate picking should also lead to happier customers and fewer chargebacks or returns.

If you’re looking at improving your environmental track record, SKUSavvy’s boost to efficiency and accurate packaging calculations (in terms of box sizes required, etc.) will allow you to keep moving towards less wastage. If you’re running warehouses in multiple locations, you can also make sure that you’re shipping from the closest location to the specified delivery address – meaning fewer emissions and better costs for your business.

Who has to manage SKUSavvy and how long does it take to setup?

Setup can take anywhere from one day to a couple of weeks. The higher your SKU count, the longer it will take to get up and running. The larger your warehouse, the longer it will take to get up and running. The trade off related to this extra effort? You’ll also see the biggest benefits once you are fully functional.

In terms of preparing to set up, you need to have your base dimensions of your warehouse and all of your shelving and bins, as well as an understanding of your standard racking and binning. It doesn’t have to be perfectly to scale, but the closer you are here, the better the SKUSavvy system will operate.

This is the type of platform that your logistics team will be using practically every minute of every day for dictating their next task, next order, next label to print. In terms of direct management, your warehouse leadership team will be key to success, but you’ll probably find your Head of Operations spearheading implementation.

Is SKUSavvy right for my store?

Obviously you need to be running a warehouse – although within eCommerce “warehouse” is a relative term – your garage could count as a warehouse! With that being said, the larger the space, the more valuable their tool will be.

A lot of merchants that start on SKUSavvy are coming from a broken manual process, where they’ve experienced rapid growth, but haven’t been able to scale their warehousing and fulfillment processes alongside the trajectory of the business. As a result - they’re struggling and starting to drop balls. They realize that they need a dedicated system to manage everything, organize it all and really visualize their warehouse to get things working properly for them, today and in the future.

The platform was made with the kind of merchant that is outgrowing ShipStation, doing something from 100-100,000 orders a day. If you’re a fast-growing DTC merchant within the $2.5m-$100m annual revenue range then you’re right in the sweet spot for SKUSavvy to get you results.

When it comes to verticals that are particularly well suited to SKUSavvy, they see a lot of success for brands operating within fashion and apparel, health and wellness, food and beverage, furniture, and other finished goods. Any business where customers are typically building out multiple item orders, or where you’re seeing a high volume of sales could see improvements from the implementation of the platform, in terms of the problems it helps to solve.

SKUSavvy represents a good opportunity for businesses running a multichannel on and offline model – for example, one central warehouse and three to five regional stores. This would mean everyone involved in the fulfillment process at all locations would have great access to stock, and could be sure of the most time efficient delivery of the items they required.

SKUSavvy is best for merchants with 1, 3, 5, or 10+ dedicated warehouse pickers who don’t have an organized system for picking and packing today.

The platform is not a good fit for dropshippers, those working with a 3PL, or other brands that don’t have their own warehouse or control of their own logistics.

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