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Pre-Peak eCommerce Tech Stack Checklist

Find out what you need to do to succeed this peak season
Christine Roxas
Oct 21
Oct 17, 2024
October 21, 2024 9:13

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Pre-Peak eCommerce Tech Stack Checklist


Running an eCommerce business isn't as simple as just setting it up. Even the smallest details can make a big difference in your success. That's why we created this checklist. It covers everything you need to do to keep your store running smoothly, especially during the upcoming peak season. By following this checklist, you can avoid problems, improve your store's performance, and grow your business. 

This is adapted from a session we did at Cloudways' Prepathon 2024. You can watch the full video here.



1. Check Server Capacity: Ensure your server can handle your website's traffic and growth.

2. Double Check Renewals: Keep track of domain name, hosting, SSL certificate, and URL renewals.

3. Automate Error Reporting: Set up automatic alerts to address technical issues promptly.

4. Check Promo Set Up: Verify that your promotions are running correctly and effectively.

5. Check Payment Mechanisms: Ensure all payment gateways are functioning and secure.

6. Check in with Customer Service: Gather feedback and address any common problems.

7. Double Check Integrations: Verify that product data, marketing tools, backend, and reviews are integrated smoothly.

8. Mystery Shop Your Site: Test your website from a customer's perspective to identify issues.

9. Implement a Dev-Freeze: Pause development to focus on optimization and bug fixes during peak periods.

10. Automate Anything Possible: Identify tasks that can be automated to increase efficiency.


By following this structured plan, you can ensure your eCommerce business operates smoothly and efficiently, leading to greater success.

This checklist is a valuable resource for eCommerce brands looking to streamline their operations and achieve year-round success.

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