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The Best Payment Processors For Ecommerce

Tools that are the gateway for transferring funds between your customers and your business.

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What are payment processors?

A payment processor is the middle man between you and your customers, helping you to complete financial transactions where cash is not involved. They manage the logistics of accepting credit card payments by utilizing the information stored on the card to initiate the transaction from your customers account to yours.

Payment Processors

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What is 2Checkout (now Verifone)?

A highly integrated payment processor that maximizes your revenues and makes global digital sales easier.

What is Bridge?

Bridge is a payment processor built specifically for Ecommerce, designed to manage multiple brands, accounts, currencies, etc. in one place.

What is Lano?

Robust HR software for hiring and managing global teams.

What is Maverick Payments?

Advanced payment gateway with built-in fraud prevention and analytics.

What is

An all-in-one payment processor that provides essential tools for handling online payments.

What is Redo?

A return management platform that aims at improving the returns process by focusing on boosting sales and cultivating customer loyalty

What is Genie?

A cutting-edge tool designed to streamline inventory analysis, planning, and ordering processes for online merchants

What is Social Snowball?

Turning customers into affiliates and streamlining referral, influencer, and affiliate programs to enhance customer acquisition and sales

What is Macaroni?

Macaroni is an end-to-end SEO platform designed specifically for Shopify users.

What is Decile?

Customer data platform that provides strategic insights that help you act on your analytics to actually grow your store.

What is

All about helping merchants gather and display customer reviews and user-generated content to actually have an effect on sales

What is Omnisend?

Omnichannel Marketing Automation Built for eCommerce

Why use Payment Processors apps?

Payment processors are necessary in the digital age to ensure you can always securely accept payment and receive funds for your goods and services.

When should you be investing in Payment Processors apps?

If you ever want to accept credit or debit card payments, you will need to utilize a payment processor.

Who is managing these Payment Processors apps?

Typically your head of Ecommerce would handle this, but it may also be your head of finance, or you as the CEO or founder.

What are the most important Payment Processors features?

The most important factor when deciding on a payment process is security. When handling someone's debit/credit card, you are holding access to their entire identity, not to mention access to your own accounts/information. So always make sure whichever processor you choose is secure, and make sure they are PCI compliant following all required rules and regulations.