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E-commerce Executives Virtual Roundtable Spring 2021

May 26, 2021 9:30 AM
Hosted by:
Mindful Marketing and OMG Commerce

Learn From These World-Class Panelists!

​🙋‍♂️ Ezra Firestone - Smart Marketer/ BOOM By Cindy Joseph

​🙋‍♂️ Ryan McKenzie - Tru Earth

​🙋‍♂️ John Roman - Battlbox

​🙋‍♂️ Nik Hall - Vitafive

​🙋‍♂️ Nick Lamothe - Legends Brand

​🙋‍♀️Tara Sabourin - Jackson Rowe

​🙋‍♂️ Sean Holladay - SpaceStation Integrations

​🙋‍♂️ Chris Meade - Crossnet

​🔥 Welcome to the E-COMMERCE EXECUTIVES ROUNDTABLE Spring 2021 Event! If you’ve made it this far you are obviously…

- ​🤓 smart

- want to succeed

​- not just starting out

​The landscape of E-commerce is changing! 🤯

​What used to work may not be working (or working as well as it used to).

​Join us as we bring in some of the best and brightest in the D2C world to answer YOUR questions.

​There will be 2 incredible panels.

​📦 The first is all about SUBSCRIPTIONS… this panel is perfect for brands who

​know that they need recurring revenue but don’t know where to start.

​have tried to launch a subscription service in the past but failed.

​want general best practices on subscription services

​learn from people who have scaled subscription services

​😀 The second Panel is all about AMBASSADORS and AMBASSADOR programs. This panel is perfect if…

​you are sick of having shallow relationships with your influencers

​you don’t have an ambassador program

​you have an amazing following but no ambassador program

Hosted by

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