A plug and play photo review platform that helps you get more reviews from your customers and turn those reviews into more sales.
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What is {listing}?
Loox is a plug and play photo review platform that helps you get more reviews from your customers and turn those reviews into more sales - both from the customer giving the review, and from the social proof and exposure of that review.
You can send review request emails at regularly planned intervals or timings, such as orders requesting a review, and new Loox accounts can even do a retroactive push to get all customers from the last 90 days reviewing them on the platform - I highly recommend this for kickstarting your campaign.
The best time to send a review is 2-5 days after the package has arrived.
They make it super easy to keep the on-site photo reviews on brand, bulk approve, or auto-publish, whichever you prefer depending on how hands on you are. And you can even download the users review image and use it as in an advertisement.
Discount redeem tracks Loox driven sales. Their goal is to show the value in dollars.
Your backend dashboard has a listing of all reviews which are held for your approval.
Loox tracks revenue two ways - anyone that redeems using their custom coupon code (which the user receives after giving a review), and/or anyone who engages with an on-site Loox widget and then purchases.
New Features!
Loox has now added and Omnisend integration, Post Purchase and Post Review Referral widgets to their platform!
Post Purchase Referrals are a 2-sided referral incentive that give customers the opportunity to earn rewards for referring their friends to your store. Something like, "Give $5, get $5" where customers give a special referral link to their friends that gets them $5 off their next purchase, and for every friend that uses their offer, the customer gets a $5 reward towards their next purchase emailed to them.
Post Review Referrals are 1-sided referral incentives that offer discounts to a customers friends based on them providing a review. Once they've reviewed your store/products, they'll be able to share that discount with others.
What makes {listing} different than competitors?
I also love their in-app knowledge base which makes it super easy to learn and execute on best practices.
Multi-lingual friendly.
The key to their tool is how they integrate giving a discount for a future purchase by asking for a review, in that way, the customers get a nudge to buy from you again and are naturally taking an action that brings them closer to your brand. You can create a unique code for each review, each person.
Integrated referral program. Merchants can setup an incentive for customers who left a review with a photo can share that with friends on social or text and copy in their unique share code.
What metrics is {listing} going to improve for my eCommerce store?
Your key metric here is number of reviews. You want to grow your review count and from there you know you will be able to use those reviews to generate revenue. But since you can track revenue where Loox had a touchpoint, another important metric to pay attention to is Loox generated revenue. Now this doesn't mean Loox made 100% of that money, take the number with a grain of salt, but at least you can see how they are impacting revenue. Other important factors are your average review rating or Net Promoter Score - NPS, the percentage 4 and 5 star reviews minus the percentage of 1 and 2 star reviews.
Who has to manage {listing} and how long does it take to setup?
Typically it's the head of marketing or the solo founder/CEO that sets up this tool. You want someone that can think through the experience and make sure the widgets are working properly. Then you can choose to truly set it and forget it, but I recommend going in weekly or monthly, depending on volume, and checking on the reviews, filtering out the good ones and sharing them to your product pages, taking the bad ones and reaching out to customers to make it up to them, etc.
Is {listing} right for my store?
There is no doubt that photo review apps will work better for visual brands. If you're in fashion, beauty, apparel... If you're already getting users to post and share product shots with your brand in them, then a photo review tool helps amplify and monetize that excitement.
On the flip side, brands that aren't getting any engagement or don't have a visual product experience wouldn't benefit from a tool like this.
Works well for Plus brands.
Sustainability status
- Easy Theme Integration And Installation
- Inline Seo 2
- Offer Discounts For Photo Reviews 2
- Anti Theft Protection
- Product Grouping
- Happy Customers Page
- Homepage Carousel
- Reviews Ratings Popup Widgets 2
{listing} Pricing
• Program Customization
• Integrations
- All Advanced features
- Reviews, Ratings & Popup widgets
• 2,000 Review Requests Included In Base price + $100 per additional 2,000 Emails
• Unlimited Emails When You Reach $499.99
• Unlimited Monthly Review Request Emails
• All Pro Features
• Onboarding Call
• Dedicated Success Manager
We do our best to keep pricing information up to date, but please do check the software partner's own website for the most up to date pricing information.
{listing} Alternatives

Branded to you review tool with custom attributes to provide social proof and boost conversion rate.

A solution that eCommerce brands can use to connect their prospective customers with existing customers for real life demos

A review, loyalty, and rewards tool, working to get you more reviews, showcase them on your site and retain your customers.

Collect video, photo, and text reviews from your customers to display across multiple platforms

Empowers and integrate the shopper's voice through UGC to help grow, convert and create loyal, repeat customers.