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August 29, 2024

A Customer Data Platform that simplifies your tech stack while adding power to your analytics and marketing automation



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Shopify Plus


360 Customer Profiles
Advanced customer segmentation
Landing Pages
Omnichannel Marketing
At-a-glance revenue attribution
AI Analytics


This is some text inside of a div block.
360 Customer Profiles
Advanced customer segmentation
Landing Pages
Omnichannel Marketing


Contact Sales
This is some text inside of a div block.
AI Data-backed Predictions
Omnichannel Marketing
Social Proof
Facebook Ads
Google Ad Integration
Everything in Previous Plan


Contact Sales
This is some text inside of a div block.
AI Data-backed Predictions
Loyalty and Rewards
Advertising Network Integration
Mobile App Marketing Automation
Custom IT Development & Reports
Dedicated Support
Everything in Previous Plan

All about

What is SALESmanago?

SALESmanago is a Customer Data Platform (CDP) that replaces a lot of your existing tools to simplify your stack and add quite a bit of power to your analytics and marketing automation.

They replace your:

  • Email marketing
  • SMS
  • Live Chat
  • Push Notifications
  • Pop Up Tool
  • Personalization Tool
  • Social Proof Widget
  • POS System

By taking data from anywhere, cleaning, scrubbing, and combining it appropriately, it creates a single customer view that uses AI to create hyper-personalized experiences across at least 10 marketing channels. According to them, 90% of communication channels are within SALESmanago.

SALESmanago comes with its own lead scoring system which is automatically up and running with the first instance of the solution, but also 100% customizable based on how you think scoring should work for your business. This allows for doing things like predicting churn, likelihood to convert, and when and what messages to send, and on what channels.

They have extremely robust analytics and reporting, going from high-level data that their machine learning algorithms are constantly sorting through for doing things like creating and modifying dynamic segments and sending marketing automation, down to individual user analytics, where they understand the best time to send one person their next email campaign.

They have their own drag and drop pop-up tool for generating email and SMS leads AND a live chat tool that has complex bot flow functionality as well as conversational commerce technology. You can select products from your store catalog, adding them easily into the chat conversation, and they even recommend to you what products to recommend to the user.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

  • List

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What makes SALESmanago different than competitors?

SALESmanago does a great job tracking anonymous visitors and immediately integrates that profile to a customer once they become de-anonymized. They even have a free enrichment tool for anonymous users to tie them to company accounts. This is similar to a Clearbit enrich tool and more valuable for B2B.

Another cool thing is they allow you to put conditional content into your marketing automation campaigns. So you can create an email blast, but each user gets their own unique product recommendation widget, showing the products they are most likely to convert with.

A simple example would be creating a variant within an email offering a discount on pet supplies that displays a dog image to users tagged with “dog” and a cat image for those with “cat”. Everything about the email is the same, except the image is personalized to what you know about the customers preferences.

What metrics is SALESmanago going to improve for my Ecommerce store?

There is a massive amount of value in centralizing all your data and customer touch points. The way that translates to metric improvements can vary, but assume you will see improvements across the board, from retention, to increases in revenue, a reduction in cart abandonment, increased conversions and higher click through rates.

Who has to manage SALESmanago and how long does it take to setup?

Typically you’re going to want one dedicated person to this tool. Someone like a head of lifecycle marketing, head of marketing, or marketing manager. You should expect to be in this tool 2-10 hours a week working on campaigns, segmentation, reporting, etc. It could be you as the CMO or solo head of marketing, but if you’re a solo CEO, or only have a small team, with no one trained on marketing automation, the tool might be too much for you right now.

Every SALESmanago customer gets a dedicated customer success manager who will help with setting up and managing the account. You will need to connect all of your data feeds - eCommerce platform, loyalty program, financing tools, mobile app, etc. which will take some time. The good news is that they have all the channel tools in-house, so you don’t need to use a 3rd party SMS tool, for example.

After you’ve got the data organized and going into the system appropriately, which can take between a day and a month, depending on your levels of complexity, you need to start segmenting and setting up marketing automation.

There is certainly a lot of work to do to get this platform performing at full force (I mean think of all the time it took to get the tools you are replacing up and running), but the value is exponential. Every time you create new segmentation and nurture sequences you are improving conversion rate and getting closer to a fully-personalized and highly valuable customer experience.

Is SALESmanago right for my store?

A tool like SALESmanago is definitely for the high-growth and/or larger merchants, typically at the $50mm+ mark, or high-growth brands looking to upgrade from a “run-of-the-mill” email service provider at about $10mm+. You need that dedicated owner and manager of this tool before getting started.

The more different product categories or customer segments you have, the more value you will get with a tool like SALESmanago. This is because of their AI and automatic segmentation/personalization. For example, your dog owners will automatically be given dog oriented content, and cat owners will only see the cat oriented content.

If you’re just selling one or a few products with no to low segmentation, or have a very pass-through business that isn’t focused on extending repeat purchases or lifetime value, this tool will be less valuable for you, could even be a bit of overkill.

On that note, this tool is for companies focused on high lifetime value, in the $100s or $1000s of dollars, and often repeat purchasers. If you have a low average order value, such as under $25, and you have low repeat purchase numbers, like under 3 or 4 repeat purchases on average… While this tool could help you increase average order value and lifetime value, you’d need to feel confident that you can improve those numbers quite a lot to really maximize the value.

Interestingly enough, this tool can also be great for B2B eCommerce, especially because of their lead scoring technology and segmentation, which combined with their eCommerce functionality really brings it all together. So if you’re running wholesale, retail, and eCommerce, this tool could be a great fit.

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