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September 27, 2024

A review, loyalty, and rewards tool, working to get you more reviews, showcase them on your site and retain your customers.



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What is Stamped?

Stamped has both a review tool and a loyalty and rewards tool, which work seamlessly together to get you more reviews, showcase them on the site, and retain your customers. 

They have both manual and automated review processes to help you keep the review quality high before publishing to your site. For example, you can auto-publish reviews with 4 or more stars, and leave the rest for moderation. You can filter out profanity or your own white list or black list of keywords.

Their loyalty tool allows you to create a program and give rewards for text, photo, and video reviews, of course, social engagement, inputting a birthday or anniversary, or any sort of custom event trigger that you can set up. Additionally, they have the opportunity to give users VIP tiers which can give them custom discounts and pricing based on their tier, or early access to unique product drops, etc.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

  • List

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What makes Stamped different than competitors?

OK, this is truly a unique tool. By far the most unique component of Stamped is the integration of reviews, loyalty, Instagram, and Net Promoter Score - I don’t think any other tool does all of these. 

Another critical function of their tool is their sentiment analysis AI which helps you identify happy and sad customers based on the words in their review. You can even filter by topics like say “beach” or “sun” in order to get the pictures and reviews you want easily into each of your product pages. They even have computer vision that can recognize what’s being shown in the photo

I also love the checkout review widget that happens on the thank you page.

They even a tool called Smart Assist which helps suggest keywords for the customer to use in their review.

Their Instagram tool is really clever and allows you to find customer posts, and send a “share request” blurb to that customer to see if you can use their photo on your site. Their on-site Instagram widget (they claim) is the only widget that allows you to add to cart directly from the picture.

What metrics is Stamped going to improve for my Ecommerce store?

Review tools help engage and retain existing customers by providing a forum for their feedback to be heard and responded to, but primarily Review tools are used to display social proof and visual content which then converts the next customer. So your primary metric is: Conversion rate. 

Secondary metrics to pay attention to are:

  • Total Reviews - by product, category, and for the store
  • Review rate - what percentage of customers are reviewing you (and how can you improve that)
  • Net Promoter Score / Review rating - How happy are your customers?
  • Average review length - it’s actually really important to have a lengthy and detailed review, so you want to pay attention to the average review length and make sure your customers are actually giving you something to work with.

Who has to manage Stamped and how long does it take to setup?

Typically your Head of Marketing or Head of eCommerce is going to manage a review tool. The setup process is as follows.

  1. If you have reviews already, you will need to import them. 
  2. Then choose your settings and integrations - do you only want to choose 5-star reviews? Are you accepting photo and video reviews? Etc.
  3. Then you need to setup how it looks on the site - which can be out of the box or you can use your own custom css, or hire a dev if you need to. 
  4. Then you need to setup your email sends that help get the reviews. 
  5. Once everything is in place, the machine will start humming along, but you will need to go in and manually approve/deny reviews as they come in. You may also change the sequence or frequency of reviews, or integrate it with a loyalty program so that you give points for reviews.

This app will require a small amount of monthly maintenance and testing for maximizing value, probably 2-4 hours a month maximum.

Is Stamped right for my store?

I believe all eCommerce sites need a review tool in place and Stamped supports starting stores up to enterprise level and scales nicely as you grow your store and review count. That being said, review tools are more powerful for brands that, surprise surprise, get reviews. Brands that have loyal, repeat customers that love raving about their business. And also worth noting, reviews are the means to the end - the end being an increase in conversion rate for your next shopper AND an increase in lifetime value for the existing shopper. So if you only do reviews, you’re not really maximizing the value of other tools (like SMS and email marketing) that complement reviews.

Stamped specifically is really popular with subscription based brands because of their robust Recharge integration.

Review tools are not for pass-through businesses that really only serve the customer once, or industries where people do not want to talk about the product they are buying. That being said, even wigs selling to women with hair loss - they do get reviews, just less, but each review is so much more powerful when you get it.

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