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The Best 3D Modeling / Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality Tools for Ecommerce

Virtually Try Out Physical Products Using Cool Technology

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What are the best augmented reality tools for Ecommerce?

Augmented reality, virtual reality, and 3D modeling tools are all tied together because in order to have a virtual or augmented reality experience with a product, you first have to create a 3D model of the product. Thanks to advances in technology, this is easier and cheaper than ever, bringing 3D models to even the smallest of stores.

3D Modeling/Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality

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What is Baetes?

A 3D modeling and augmented reality tool designed to give your customers an amazing best digital view of your products.

What is levAR?

levAR is an Augmented Reality and 3D visualization app available in the Shopify app store.

What is All Axis Studio?

Create engaging 3D and Augmented Reality experiences on your product detail pages to showcase your products in the most realistic way possible.

What is AOP+?

Erase the Traditional Barriers to Innovation and Turn Your Ideas to a Profitable Business

What is Jeeliz?

Jeeliz's instantaneously add the virtual try-on feature for eyewear eCommerce.

What is Diginyze?

A cutting-edge digital business commerce suite that amalgamates advanced technologies within a seamless digital framework

What is Redo?

A return management platform that aims at improving the returns process by focusing on boosting sales and cultivating customer loyalty

What is Genie?

A cutting-edge tool designed to streamline inventory analysis, planning, and ordering processes for online merchants

What is Social Snowball?

Turning customers into affiliates and streamlining referral, influencer, and affiliate programs to enhance customer acquisition and sales

What is Macaroni?

Macaroni is an end-to-end SEO platform designed specifically for Shopify users.

What is Decile?

Customer data platform that provides strategic insights that help you act on your analytics to actually grow your store.

What is

All about helping merchants gather and display customer reviews and user-generated content to actually have an effect on sales

What is Omnisend?

Omnichannel Marketing Automation Built for eCommerce

Why use 3D Modeling/Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality apps?

If you sell products that people typically want to "see/feel" before they buy, Augmented reality, virtual reality, and 3D modeling tools can make a big difference in your conversion rate.

Yes, offering free shipping or free returns is great, but even with great policies, the process of buying, waiting, receiving and returning can be too cumbersome for most people. They want to know before they buy if it's going to work out and giving them a way to virtually "try-on" that dress or "see the chair in their room" provides that clarity.

When should you be investing in 3D Modeling/Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality apps?

You should invest in this technology like this when your product(s) need a little bit more of a tangible experience in order for customers to really understand them and buy them. These tools are specifically for increasing conversion rates on the site, and adding a layer of engagement that increases customer experience / user experience.

Also, before investing in 3D models of your products and tools to support them, you should have strong sales volume on your core products and a good understanding of why someone would want to interact with your product in a 3D environment - meaning you have customer service inquiries that are all about a certain look or feel or placement in their home or whatever the case may be, and you want to build a 3D model to help answer the questions pertaining to the product.

Who is managing these 3D Modeling/Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality apps?

There are a few different roles that could be managing these products. It could fall under your creative team, under marketing, under Ecommerce, or even under merchandising. And in some cases, you're going to hire an agency to manage the whole thing.

What are the most important 3D Modeling/Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality features?

Most importantly is the ease of creating a 3D model. Costs for this have decreased drastically thanks to advances in AI visualization.

Next up you want this to be easy to use for customers, easy to interact with, and you want to be able to track back those interactions to an increase in conversion rate.

Finally, you want these models to be on as many channels as possible, can you get them on Instagram, on-site, in a mobile app, etc.?