
May 17, 2024

Learn More About Your Customers Through Powerful, Mobile-First Forms

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Google Sheets
Google Calendar


Jotform Apps
Jotform Approvals
Jotform Tables
Jotform Inbox 2.0
Smart PDF Forms
Mobile Forms
Conditional Logic


This is some text inside of a div block.
25 Forms
1,000 Monthly Submissions
10 GB Available Space
10,000 Monthly Form Views
Unlimited Submission Storage
Unlimited Reports
100 Payment Submissions


This is some text inside of a div block.
Everything in Previous Plan
100 Forms
10,000 Monthly Submissions
100 GB Available Space
Unlimited Monthly Form Views
1,000 Payment Submissions
HIPAA Compliance Available


This is some text inside of a div block.
Everything in Previous Plan
Unlimited Form Limit
100,000 Monthly Submissions
1 TB Available Space
Unlimited Payment Submissions

All about

What is Jotform?

Jotform is a freemium form builder tool with an extensive, versatile feature set that allows merchants to create anything from quizzes to customer service questionnaires. It can even take payments, which massively extends its functionality for Ecommerce users.

With over 10,000 templates to choose from, merchants have the option to collect valuable customer or client information in a vast array of formats. From classic forms (which present all questions in one place) through to card form (where questions are delivered one at a time, to optimize engagement) - finding the right template for your purposes and audiences is easy.

Jotform is also fully shoppable. A merchant can add their entire product catalog (or select products, a specific collection, etc.) to a form. The respondent can then select their size, color, variant, and easily add to cart and buy, straight through Jotform. Search functionality within the form is basic but available – meaning customers can easily search through the products linked to the form they’re completing, without having to wade through an entire catalog.

Jotform also allows merchants to create and bill subscriptions to customers – a particularly useful feature, especially if you’re looking to create customized orders that apply specific preferences.

Selling digital products? Not a problem. With Jotform, you can attach PDFs to automatically triggered emails, making digital delivery a seamless process. Additionally, their forms can be put on the site as lightboxes or pop-ups, encouraging engagement and maximizing your data collection.

Jotform also allows the collection of digital signatures through Docusign and Adobe integrations. They even have their own e-signature tool, so if you can see this being a helpful feature for your own enterprise, they definitely merit closer exploration.

*Side Note - Check out Jotform's free no-code app builder that lets you add forms, links, widgets and your own branding to one fully customized app in seconds.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

  • List

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What makes Jotform different than competitors?

Google Forms might have passed muster at one stage, but in the world of modern Ecommerce, merchants need to look to more elevated forms of data collection. Customer expectations have moved on, so if you care about conversion rate and flexibility, a solution like Jotform looks increasingly essential.

Zero party data is only growing in its value and importance (as other data collection methods feel the squeeze of regulation, and the demand for personalized customer service skyrockets!) Whether you plan on gathering it via customer quizzes, surveys or attribute-rich reviews, you need a well-built, mobile-optimized form builder with the functionality to get you the results you want.

Jotform's extensive template library means that you can easily scroll, click and be up and running in a matter of minutes. They also allow for conditional logic to be applied, changing your questions based on real-time feedback from your customers.

Plus, with the ability to integrate sales and secure payment into the experience, you have the opportunity to boost your customer experience and conversion rate.

What metrics is Jotform going to improve for my Ecommerce store?

Jotform can improve your lead capture rate. If you’re looking to increase the percentage of email or SMS leads you’re getting from your website traffic, then it’s a great avenue to explore. For some brands, Jotform may also increase conversion rate on site by providing a more unique shopping flow or experience. The personalized recommendations that a quiz can help customers achieve help to build trust and improve product discoverability.

Jotform can also build custom reports that are easily exportable as PDFs or slides. This has many helpful applications, pulling form data directly into the reports and enabling you to automatically distribute them (say, to agency clients or your suppliers.)

Who has to manage Jotform and how long does it take to setup?

Jotform has a myriad of use cases across the SMB market, not just within Ecommerce. However, for the online retail crowd, it will typically be a marketer at the helm of this tool (although expect your customer service leaders or HR managers to take a keen interest when they learn what it can do for job applications or employee surveying!)

Thanks to their massive template library, Jotform makes it easy to get up and running with form, quiz or survey creation. Users do have the option to build from scratch, adding in logic, custom graphics and shoppable products etc. The flexibility of this tool means its use can be as simple or as complex as you need it to be.

When it comes to accessing and leveraging the data you gather via Jotform, it's just a case of logging into the app’s interface and viewing on their convenient analytics dashboard, or accessing the information through an integration (say, your email service provider) to see the results of each form (including conversion rate, revenue generated etc.)

Ultimately you can be up and running in minutes.

Is Jotform right for my store?

Jotform can work for merchants of any size and any stage of business. Their functionality is especially well suited to compliance-oriented brands within health and medical, childcare or legal verticals.

Jotform also offers a lot of potential for businesses operating on an agency model, who may want to build forms for their clients and become a reseller of the tool.

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