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The Best Analytics and Business Intelligence Tools for eCommerce

From Plug and Play to Multi-Channel Hard Coded Solutions

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What are the best Analytics and Business Intelligence tools for eCommerce?

eCommerce Growth depends on having the right data at your finger tips - which means you need the right eCommerce Analytics tools in place to bring you that data AND help you interpret it.

A great eCommerce analytics solution is pulling data from your eCommerce platform, your warehouse, your channel marketing tools, and tying it all together in easy to interpret reports. The most crucial reports being around Average Order Value, Lifetime Value, Cohort and Segment Analysis, Retention, and of course Profitability.

Analytics and Business Intelligence

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What is Fueled Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Attribution Suite?

Clean up your Google Analytics 4 (GA4) data with better client and server-side event tracking.

What is Elevar?

Elevar offers flawless event tracking and server-side tracking to get you actionable data.

What is Particl?

Real-time product sales and pricing data. Particl AI tracks sales, inventory, pricing, assortment, and sentiment across all of eCommerce.

What is Decile?

Customer data platform that provides strategic insights that help you act on your analytics to actually grow your store.

What is Reaktion?

Optimize ad campaigns based on Profit, not revenue!

What is Daasity?

Daasity makes enterprise analytics accessible for all merchants through 130 pre-built templates along with custom layered data for more built out reporting.

What is Trackify X?

A pixel engine that backs up pixel data and manages multiple pixels through server side API, lowering CPA and increasing return on ad spend.

What is Glew?

Glew is a highly flexible, scalable, business intelligence and analytics platform that tracks every data point you need to grow your store.

What is Measured?

The “Media Outcome Measurement Platform” Understanding the Real Value of Your Media Buys

What is Peel Insights?

Peel Insights is a plug and play data analytics tool with strong retention and cohort analyses, helping you get more of your perfect customer.

What is Rockerbox?

Rockerbox centralizes and analyzes your marketing data across all advertising platforms to help you improve your attribution.

What is Capturly?

A comprehensive website analytics tool designed to help businesses optimize their online presence and improve user experience.

What is Klar?

Robust data analytics tool built for Ecommerce brands.

What is Airboxr?

A powerful tool designed to help businesses build profitable brands by providing comprehensive revenue insights

What is Triple Whale?

A comprehensive advertising analytics platform that leverages data to provide valuable insights into advertising campaigns.

What is

Helping sales and marketing teams fill their pipeline with qualified brands and contacts.

What is Report Toaster?

Create advanced custom reports, using real-time data, that you can automate, export, and share.

What is Koala Inspector?

Koala Inspector is a Chrome extension for merchants looking to (politely) “spy” on their competitors Shopify stores.

What is Sweet Analytics?

Sweet Analytics serves as a powerful tool for businesses looking to harness the potential of data analytics, and enhance overall website performance.

What is Grapevine Surveys?

A convenient and efficient way for Shopify merchants to measure customer satisfaction and gain insights into their experiences

What is Distil AI?

Distil AI is a website that offers advanced AI-powered data extraction and transformation services.

What is Fairing?

A platform that helps you discover the marketing strategies that effectively drive sales for your business

What is Kissmetrics? is a web analytics platform designed to help businesses track and analyze user behavior to optimize their marketing efforts.

What is Madden Analytics?

A platform that offers AI-powered inventory planning solutions to help brands optimize their stock turnover.

What is Distillery Tech?

Distillery specializes in building custom software solutions for businesses across various industries.

What is &facts?

A next-generation market research platform, connecting to billions of real-time consumer signals.

What is Native AI?

Native AI utilizes advanced artificial intelligence techniques and algorithms to gather, analyze, and interpret vast amounts of market data in real-time.

What is Osum?

A dynamic market research tool designed to provide comprehensive and insightful reports on a wide range of products, businesses, and market trends

What is Octup?

An operations analytics platform that helps DTC brands optimize operations, improve profitability, and save 12+ hours per week.

What is Segments by Tresl?

Segments activates the power of data collected within your Shopify store to increase repeat revenue through pre-built segmentation.

What is Littledata?

Littledata helps create accurate data and attribution models for Ecommerce stores.

What is Redo?

A return management platform that aims at improving the returns process by focusing on boosting sales and cultivating customer loyalty

What is Genie?

A cutting-edge tool designed to streamline inventory analysis, planning, and ordering processes for online merchants

What is Social Snowball?

Turning customers into affiliates and streamlining referral, influencer, and affiliate programs to enhance customer acquisition and sales

What is Macaroni?

Macaroni is an end-to-end SEO platform designed specifically for Shopify users.

What is Decile?

Customer data platform that provides strategic insights that help you act on your analytics to actually grow your store.

What is

All about helping merchants gather and display customer reviews and user-generated content to actually have an effect on sales

What is Omnisend?

Omnichannel Marketing Automation Built for eCommerce

Why use Analytics and Business Intelligence apps?

When should you be investing in Analytics and Business Intelligence apps?

Who is managing these Analytics and Business Intelligence apps?

What are the most important Analytics and Business Intelligence features?