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The Best Cause Marketing Apps for Ecommerce

Bring mission to your brand and give customers the ultimate feel-good factor with an integrated Cause Marketing app.

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What is cause marketing, and how can it help your brand?

Cause marketing is the practice of incorporating a charitable or “social good” component into your business model – and letting the world know about it. This might involve a donation made for every purchase of a certain product, giving free products to those in need, or making a stand on high-profile social issues.

Data shows that 75% of consumers expect the brands they buy from to be giving back. As more brands make their philanthropic activities a prominent part of their marketing strategy and positioning, the need to raise your game and put similar measures in place increases.

The concept of linking a worthy cause with a brand is nothing new – but with the advent of cause marketing apps, the process just got a whole lot easier (and potentially, more profitable). By integrating seamless donation functionality, slick checkout experiences and easy “round up” options, you have a huge opportunity to improve your customer approval and experience by adding cause marketing apps to your tech stack.

Cause Marketing

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What is ShoppingGives?

ShoppingGives is a B2B social commerce platform that allows companies of all sizes to make charitable donations through their customers' purchases.

What is DailyKarma?

DailyKarma is a turnkey Cause Marketing solution that enables merchants and customers, to give back to causes they believe in, right at the point of purchase.

What is GoodCarts?

GoodCarts is a cause oriented marketplace that promotes your site in exchange for sharing offers from their marketplace with your customers post purchase.

What is Givz?

Givz is a cause marketing platform that helps you get more customers while giving back, seeing an averaging increase in conversion rates of 15-20%.

What is Ecodrive?

Calculate and Offset your Carbon Footprint through Tree Planting

What is Pledge?

Easily add charitable donations at checkout.

What is Change?

Change is a digital platform that aims to revolutionize personal finance management.

What is +Purpose?

Driving eCommerce experiences with purpose.

What is Redo?

A return management platform that aims at improving the returns process by focusing on boosting sales and cultivating customer loyalty

What is Genie?

A cutting-edge tool designed to streamline inventory analysis, planning, and ordering processes for online merchants

What is Social Snowball?

Turning customers into affiliates and streamlining referral, influencer, and affiliate programs to enhance customer acquisition and sales

What is Macaroni?

Macaroni is an end-to-end SEO platform designed specifically for Shopify users.

What is Decile?

Customer data platform that provides strategic insights that help you act on your analytics to actually grow your store.

What is

All about helping merchants gather and display customer reviews and user-generated content to actually have an effect on sales

What is Omnisend?

Omnichannel Marketing Automation Built for eCommerce

Why use Cause Marketing apps?

Being a socially responsible and conscious brand that gives back to society is just the right thing to do. But taking a slightly more mercenary approach, there are definite benefits available for all parties involved.

Cause marketing apps enable you to give customers a slicker experience (and a reason to feel great about themselves for spending money at your store). Knowing that their purchases are having a positive effect on good causes has been shown to increase conversion rate, boost average order value (AOV) and ramp up long lasting customer loyalty.

So, beyond painting your brand in a positive light, cause marketing can have a tangible positive ROI for your business.

When should you be investing in Cause Marketing apps?

Businesses at any stage of growth can benefit from aligning their promotional activity with a cause marketing strategy. In fact, as cause marketing becomes more widely adopted, you risk putting your brand at a disadvantage by not aligning with a social or charitable cause.

If you’re targeting a younger demographic, be aware that millennials and Gen Z are the most attuned and receptive to cause marketing. 91% of Millennials prefer brands associated with a good cause, compared to the US average of 85%.

There are a wide range of cause marketing apps on the market today and these can flex to suit all budgets. If you’re looking to integrate a solution that promotes a “donation on purchase” on your products, you’ll want to factor in how this will affect your marketing budget (as typically this is how you would fund the donations that you make on behalf of your paying customers).

Who is managing these Cause Marketing apps?

Your Head Of Marketing will likely be driving the move towards a cause marketing strategy, and will play a leading role in ensuring that it's successful. But if you’re integrating apps to help you deliver this kind of promotional strategy, your Product Manager may also wish to help with the selection and promotion of certain “cause-linked” items. For example, this can be a great opportunity to collaborate with a well-aligned influencer whose audience also supports your chosen cause.

To be successful in cause marketing, you need to select a cause that will align well with your target demographic. But be mindful of the potential for controversy and alienating some audience segments when associating your brand with a cause. For this reason, your Founder or CEO may want to have a say in the direction that your cause marketing takes.

What are the most important Cause Marketing features?

When you’re looking for tools to help support the implementation of cause marketing across your store, consider the impact it will have on your checkout experience. We all know the importance of a slick user experience – the slightest inconvenience or confusion can cost you a sale. Don’t let “doing the right thing” negatively impact your conversion rate. Look for cause marketing apps that integrate seamlessly with your existing checkout process, enabling a smooth, friction-free conversion and a happy customer experience.

It’s also wise to look for tools that will help handle the legal and compliance side of your cause marketing campaigns, especially for donation processing and management which can be complex if you’re selling cross-border or within different jurisdictions.